'2' and users_ql.trangthai='1' group by user order by tong desc"; //echo $sql; $result=mysql_query($sql); $num_results=mysql_num_rows($result); echo "

Báo cáo trạng thái website Các nhân

"; echo "

Web site cá nhân:"; echo ""; echo ""; echo " "; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n "; for( $i=0; $i <$num_results;$i++) { $k=$i+1; $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); if($row["tong"]>=5) { $tong=$tong+$row["tong"]; echo " \n \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } else { $tong=$tong+$row["tong"]; echo " \n \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } }; //Close all open connections echo "
\n"; echo " STT\n"; echo " Họ tên\n"; echo " Số câu hỏi/Trả lời\n"; echo " Tổng số trang
".$k."".$row["ten"].""; //dem so cau tra loi $sql5="select count(id) as tong from tuvan where hienthi <>'2' and user='".$row["user"]."'"; $rs=mysql_query($sql5); $row5=mysql_fetch_array($rs); echo $row5["tong"]."/"; $sql5="select count(id) as tong from tuvan where hienthi='1' and user='".$row["user"]."'"; $rs=mysql_query($sql5); $row5=mysql_fetch_array($rs); echo $row5["tong"]; echo "".$row["tong"]."
".$k."".$row["ten"].""; //dem so cau tra loi $sql5="select count(id) as tong from tuvan where hienthi <>'2' and user='".$row["user"]."'"; $rs=mysql_query($sql5); $row5=mysql_fetch_array($rs); echo $row5["tong"]."/"; $sql5="select count(id) as tong from tuvan where hienthi='1' and user='".$row["user"]."'"; $rs=mysql_query($sql5); $row5=mysql_fetch_array($rs); echo $row5["tong"]; echo " ".$row["tong"]."
"; echo "Tổng số trang :".$tong; echo "

Các đơn vị cập nhật trong ngày hôm nay:".date("d-m-Y").""; echo "

Thống kê số lần xem trang"; //cac don vi chua co thong tinecho $sql="select users_ql.ten,users_ql.user,users_ql.address from users_ql left JOIN noidung on users_ql.user=noidung.user where noidung.id is Null and users_ql.trangthai='1' and users_ql.user<>'admin' order by user asc"; //echo $sql; $result=mysql_query($sql); $num_results=mysql_num_rows($result); echo "

Các trang chưa có thông tin"; echo ""; echo ""; echo " "; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n "; for( $i=0; $i <$num_results;$i++) { $k=$i+1; $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); echo " \n \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; }; //Close all open connections echo "
\n"; echo " STT\n"; echo " họ tên\n"; echo " Địac chỉ\n"; echo " Tổng số trang
".$k."".$row["ten"]." ".$row["address"]."
"; echo "Email hỗ trợ "; echo ""; echo "hoặc trang web http://ns.hcmuaf.edu.vn"; mysql_close(); //include ("../footer.htm"); ?>